What does it mean to ‘be a good seeker’? I mean, who has time for that? What is Coach asking of me now – to actually go out there in the world and look for people to recognize? Am I suppose to be on a scavenger hunt, trying to find something good in someone else – and then what? Coach wants me to actually tell them, acknowledge them!
The simple answer is: Yes! It is being aware of what is going on around you and who is contributing to you, right here, right now. It really is not so difficult as it may seem!
Think about it – who do you encounter each day? The mail person, the garbage truck drivers, the young person bagging your groceries, the neighbor walking the dog, mom and dad at the park with young children, the person taking your order at the drive through – or the one giving it to you at the second window. The list goes on. I wonder how many more people you can add to the list!
Here’s the thing: I believe we are pretty good about saying thanks and maybe even adding ‘you’ and if we are really polite even adding a smile or eye contact. But let me ask you this: isn’t it more of a habit to say thanks on the way out for something someone has actually done for us?
When was the last time you sought out the mail person in appreciation of the work he/she does – particularly in the weather extremes? How about the garbage collector – ever give them a ‘thumbs-up’, wave or bag of homemade cookies? Did you ever let the person in the drive-through know how much you appreciate them working and preparing a snack/meal for you so you could get on with your busy life?
What about those who may cross our path and we don’t really get anything from them? Did you see an act of kindness, did you witness a pay-it-forward, are you aware of someone having an exceptionally good – or bad – day, did someone pick up litter or help another in some way? I’ll bet, if you look, you will see!
And what will it be like for you to acknowledge that person? I mean really acknowledge! Let them know you noticed the act or that something seems incredibly good for them or it seems they are having a rough time. What would that be like? Sit with it, for a moment. What would it be like for someone to recognize you?
Here is your ‘challenge’! Today, look for 3 people you can acknowledge – more than just ‘thank-you’ – and then, take in what that is like for you and for them. I’m betting it will warm your heart and make their day!
I’m curious – let me know what that experience is like for you! You can shoot me a quick email (mgriffith@guidinglightcoaching.com). I’d love to share my experience at this with you as well!
How many times have I asked myself that question! Although my Dad is no longer with me on Earth, he is certainly with me in my heart and soul. My Dad was my biggest cheerleader and greatest coach. I always knew when he was proud of me – and when he was disappointed.
Sometimes, I think I learned my greatest coaching skill from my Dad. He was a great listener! Oh, I would babble on about what was going on in school and my latest activity. He would patiently listen to the little girl whining and not once tell me to ‘get over it’! He would say things like: it will be okay, you can get through this, what would you like to have happen, I know you can do it, you have what it takes…And always, he would say: I love you!
He was my biggest advocate. Always finding something wonderful about what I was doing and encourage me to take risks to strive for even better outcomes. I know he really didn’t understand what I was doing when I went to coaching school; even so, he asked and offered ways to market my services when I was ready to start finding clients. He would always ask me what I was learning and how I could use the teachings. Something any good coach would do!
Dad was a role model – oh, he was not perfect, by any means and he would be the first to admit that; nevertheless, he always found a way to see the bright side of life and a way to pull everything together for me and my Mother and sisters. Sometimes, the only thing my clients can see is what might be going wrong. A good coach asks the client to ‘look’ at other possibilities and what the client can ‘do’ to move in another direction.
Dad believed in family and was diligent about having ‘his girls’ become close. He was a master of selflessness – more concerned about others than himself. He often told our Mother – ‘I don’t care if the girls don’t like me, but I do what them to be close to each other’ – and we are! It is like that with coaching as well. Coaching is not about the coach! Of a Good coach, the Client will say – I have a great coach! Of a Masterful coach: Client will say – I (the client) am great!!
As close as we are, my sisters and I are very different. Dad inspired us to be ourselves and to pursue our dreams. Oh, I am certain there was gentle prodding for each of us and guiding us one way or the other. In the end, we each picked our path and he supported each of us. I know he didn’t always agree with our choice, still, we knew he was in our corner and would allow us to fall so that we could become strong. I may not always agree with the choices my clients make; however, I do respect their choices and will help them see how strong they can become.
My Dad lived a very long and incredible life. I watched him and learned from him. When I am at a cross-roads and just don’t know which way to go, I often ask: What would Daddy do? He continues to ‘coach’ me through life’s challenges. I know he was a Masterful Coach because he taught me to say “I am great!”