I am an optimist, by nature. I normally see the lighter and brighter version of life’s adventures. Take the moment I am experiencing right now – — It is 12:13 on a Thursday afternoon. My calendar notes have a reservation for a seminar I am to present from 12-1. I am here, in the room, ready for sharing and learning and growing. Prepared to support people who are willing to be supported, willing to learn something new or uncover a nugget of wisdom they may have buried.
Yes, here I sit, all prepared, all alone!
Laughing a bit – what comes to mind is this question: What if you gave a party and no one came?
You know – this is not the first time I planned a presentation and no one came – actually, it is the third time in my recent life.
The first – one would think would be traumatic, devastating, horrifying – ok – a bit much? Here is what happened.
I created a wonderful presentation, practiced it until I was smooth as silk, reserved a room, sent invitations, followed up for commitment, made a reminder call, showed up early, set-up my room and waited for the crowd. And waited, and waited.
Now, it happens that my Client Relations Director was with me on this particular day. And when enough time passed that we knew no one was coming – she asked in a very quiet voice: what do you want to do now? I looked at her and said: Let’s eat pie!
As it happens, my seminar was to take place in a private room at a restaurant famous for pie.
So, there you have it. The answer to the question: What if you gave a party (seminar) and no one comes? You eat pie!
Well, today, I am in an office building and there is no pie. So – making good use of my time and staying “coach”, I am sharing these thoughts with you.
You see what really matters is doing what I love to do – and I find pure joy in gearing up for seminars and workshops of learning. Yes, the best is the actual seminar; nevertheless, I am ready. At a moment’s notice someone may call out for support, or inquire about what I do, or share an experience that had meaning for where they are today.
So, rather than being disappointed or angry or frustrated that my hour was “wasted”, I choose to look on the lighter side – share this story that I have been intending to write for some time. I feel accomplished right now – and complete. What could be better than that?!